Causes and Symptoms of Cervical Cancer

Monday, April 6, 2009

We need to know what cervical cancer sich them? "Cervical cancer" is a malignant tumor that grows in the cervix (cervical), which is an area in which the female reproductive organ is the entrance to the uterus located between the womb (uterus) and burrow intercourse (vaginal).

Lehar uterine cancer occurs when cells in the area split an uncontrollable and become abnormal. If these cells continue to divide, it will form a mass of tissue called a tumor. "Tumor" can be either benign or malignant. If the tumor becomes malignant, the condition was referred to as cervical cancer.

Cervical cancer
The cause of the abnormal cells cervix is not known for certain, but there are certain risk factors that could affect the occurrence of cervical cancer are:

1. HPV (Human Papilloma Virus)
HPV is a virus that can cause warts on the genital area (condylomata akuminata), which is transmitted through sexual contact. HPV is often suspected as the cause of the abnormal changes of the cells of the cervix.
2. Smoking
Tobacco can reduce the body's immune system and affect the body's ability to fight HPV infection in the cervix.
3. First sexual intercourse at an early age performed
4. Changing sexual partners
5. Immune system disorders
6. Use of birth control pills
7. Genital herpes infection or chronic chlamydia infections

Symptoms of Cervical Cancer
In the first course of the disease from cervical cancer can be pembakal cancer or precancerous lesions. These precancerous changes usually do not cause symptoms and is not detected unless a woman is undergoing a pelvic exam or pap smear.

Symptoms usually only appear when the abnormal cervical cells become malignant, and infiltrate the surrounding tissue. At this time symptoms can occur such as menstrual disorders, vaginal bleeding and vaginal discharge.

If the cancer is growing more and more can be symptoms arise such as:
• Reduced appetite, weight loss, fatigue
• pelvic pain, back and legs
• Exit urine and feces from the vagina
• Broken bones

Prevention is better than cure, early identify yourself and your body, including the prevention of these cervical cancer.
