Waktu Tepat Untuk ML

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Waktu yang pas adalah penentu bagi setiap pasangan ketika ingin melakukan ML. Makin pas waktu ML, makin banyak kepuasan yang didapat di atas ranjang.

Banyak cara yang dapat dilakukan untuk menggapai kenikmatan dan kepuasan dalam ML. Mulai dari mencari posisi yang pas, foreplay yang hot hingga waktu pas untuk melakukan ML.

Agar ML tidak terganggu dan ranjang Anda dan pasangan berdua selalu panas, plus sama-sama merasa terpuaskan, Anda bisa menyesuaikannya dengan waktu-waktu yang tepat untuk ML.

Berikut waktu-waktu ideal yang dapat dijadikan patokan waktu untuk bercinta;


Menurut majalah Men's Life, pada jam-jam ini, wanita belum siap ML. Tingkat melatonin (hormon tidur) wanita masih terlalu tinggi, sementara temperatur tubuhnya belum lagi naik. Untuk merangsangnya, kaum pria harius bekerja keras melakukan foreplay untuk membangunkannya.

Sebaliknya, kebanyakan pria sedang dalam puncaknya di jam-jam ini. Mereka membutuhkan getaran dan energi untuk memulai hari baru. Di sisi lain, biasanya saat-saat seperti ini mereka cenderung membutuhkan pelepasan yang cepat, bercinta dan selesai. Itu yang pria harapkan saat jam ini.


Pada jam ini, kaum wanita sudah bangun total dan siap ML. Tingkat endorphin (hormon kesenangan) sedang maksimum mengalir dalam darahnya. Mereka cenderung tak membutuhkan waktu lama menikmati aktivitas ML.

Sementara untuk pria pada jam ini pikiran mereka sedang terfokus pada pekerjaan. Tingkat testosterone berada di titik rendah sampai normal. Ini saat sulit bagi pria untuk terangsang.


Tingkat ativitas wanita pada jam ini sedang dalam puncaknya. Namun aktivitas yang dilakukan tak ada hubungan sama sekali dengan seks. Dia akan sulit bersantai dan fokus pada seks.

Sedangkan bagi pria, ini merupakan munculnya mood untuk sedikit bermain-main. Pada jam ini pria akan dengan senang hati bergabung melakukan aktivitas seksual dengan pasangannya.


Waktu pas untuk kehamilan. Pada waktu ini sistem reproduksi wanita sepenuhnya siap untuk masa kehamilan. Akan tetapi, mereka tak siap melakukan hubungan yang mudah dan perlahan. Pada saat-saat ini mereka lebih suka melakukan hubungan seks sambil lalu saja.

Khusus untuk pria, produksi sperma dalam kualitas paling tinggi selama jam empat sore. Jadi, di jam-jam ini merupakan saat terbaik jika ingin menjadi seorang ayah.


Inilah saat terbaik melakukan segalanya dengan cara menyenangkan dan perlahan. Wanita sedang dalam energi penuh (kalau dia makan malam dengan baik) dan siap untuk beraksi dengan inisiatif sendiri.

Sedangkan pria, juga sedang siap untuk beraksi dan memenuhi setiap keinginan pasangannya. Pada tahap ini, jam seksual pria maupun wanita berdetak bersamaan.


Saat tengah malam tiba, tingkat melatonin wanita naik secara dramatis. Tubuh mereka menuntut untuk diajak tidur, bahkan bagi yang telah terbiasa terjaga hingga larut malam. Selain itu, gairah seksualnya menurun. Namun pada jam-jam ini wanita lebih merasa romantis dari pada sebelumnya.

Walau belum mengantuk, pada jam ini pria cenderung merasa lebih rileks. Mereka siap bercinta dengan perlahan. Energi yang tersisa membutuhkan pelepasan, dan sekslah cara terbaik yang dapat membuatnya tidur lelap.


Pada jam ini tubuh wanita membutuhkan istirahat penuh. Untuk beberapa orang dapat melakukan ML dalam keadaan setengah mengantuk.

Banyak wanita yang belum pernah mengalami orgasme sebelumnya dilaporkan mengalami puncak kenikmatan saat ML dalam keadaan setengah tidur.

Fenomena ini berhubungan dengan rileksasi penuh dalam keadaan setenah tertidur. Sedang pasangannya harus terbangun penuh untuk melakukan aksi di ranjang.

Dalam jam-jam ini pria sedang dalam tahap tidur nyenyak. Butuh usaha keras untuk membangunkan dan membangkitkan gairahnya.

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5 Langkah Menyusui Yang Baik dan Benar

Berikut adalah tata cara dan langkah-langkah tentang cara menyusui yang baik dan benar sehingga manfaat dari ASI tidak sepenuhnya dirasakan oleh sang bayi.

Langkah langkah tersebut dibagi menjadi 5 bagian, yakni :

1. Persiapan mental dan fisik. Ibu yang akan menyusui harus dalam keadaan tenang, tidak tergesa gesa atau takut dan malu payudaranya yang indah nongol ke permukaan. Tentu untuk memperoleh suasana ini, perlu dicari lokasi menyusui yang pas dan terjaga privasinya sehingga terhindar dari tontonan orang. Minum segelas air sebelum menyusui merupakan salah satu cara untuk membuat sang ibu merasa tenang. Hindari menyusui dalam keadaan haus dan lapar.

2 Persiapan tempat dan alat. Sebelum menyusui perlu dicari tempat duduk/kursi yang nyaman dengan sandaran punggung dan tangan serta bantalan untuk menopang tangan yang menggendong bayi. Capek khan kalau tangan terus terusan menyangga bayi dengan tidak nyaman, yang ujung ujungnya mempersingkat waktu menyusui.

3. Sebelum menggendong bayi, tangan dicuci sampai benar benar bersih untuk menghindari ASI terkontaminasi oleh kuman. Lalu sebelum menyusui, tekan daerah sekitar puting susu diantara telunjuk dan ibu jari sehingga keluar 2 – 3 tetes ASI, kemudian oleskan ke seluruh bagian puting susu. Cara menyusui yang baik adalah bila ibu melepaskan kedua payudaranya dari pemakaian BH.

4. Susukan bayi sesuai dengan kebutuhan, jangan dijadual. Biasanya kebutuhan terpenuhi dengan menyusui tiap 2 – 3 jam. Setiap menyusui, lakukan pada kedua payudara secara bergantian masing masing selama kurang lebih 10 menit. Mulai selalu dengan payudara sisi yang terakhir disusui sebelumnya. Periksa ASI sampai payudara terasa kosong.

5. Setelah selesai, oleskan ASI seperti awal menyusui dan biarkan kering oleh udara sebelum memakai BH untuk mencegah lecet. Hal ini dapat dilakukan sambil menyangga bayi agar bersendawa. Menyendawakan bayi setelah menyusui harus selalu dilakukan untuk mengeluarkan udara dari lambung supaya bayi tidak muntah.

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Bahan Alami Jadikan Kulit Anda Berseri

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Memiliki kulit berseri dan bercahaya adalah impian setiap kaum hawa. Tak hanya dengan berbagai rangkaian perawatan di salon kecantikkan terkemuka, kulit berseri juga bisa Anda miliki dengan berbagai cara tradisional.

Konon bahan-bahan alami terbukti dapat memberikan nutrisi yang baik, hingga kulit tetap terlihat sehat dan terawat. Kulit yang cantik kini bisa Anda dapatkan melalui bahan alami seperti, kopi dan outmeal.


Jenis makanan yang satu ini ternyata tak hanya sehat untuk jantung oatmeal namun juga sangat berkhasiat bagi kesehatan kulit. Caranya mudah, sediakan 5-6 sendok outmeal, madu secukupnya dan susu bubuk atau susu cair.

Campur seluruh bahan menjadi satu, jika menggunkan susu bubuk berarti anda harus menambahkan air, secukupnya. Aduk menyerupai bubur, kemudian oleskan pada kulit dan gososk hingga sel-sel kulit mati terangkat. Kemudian bersihkan tubuh dengan menggunakan sabun yang sesuai jenis kebutuhan kulit Anda.


Kopi terbukti mengandung anti oksidan yang sangat tinggi, sehingga bisa membantu mencegah penuaan dini pada kulit. Berbagai manfaat lainnya yang bisa Anda dapatkan dari kopi, diantaranya bisa membuat kulit anda terasa lebih lembab, kencang dan bersih.

Untuk meraciknya, sediakan bubuk kopi dan garam secukupnya, kemudian seduh dengan air panas selama 20 menit. Dan gosokkan kopi tersebut ke seluruh tubuh hingga sel-sel kulit mati terangkat sempurna kemudian bersihan tubuh dengan mandi seperti biasanya.


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Membaca Sikap Pria

Saturday, September 26, 2009

TERKADANG wanita mengalami kesulitan membaca sikap pria yang tengah melakukan pendekatan. Intensitas menelepon yang tinggi ataupun SMS tidak selalu dijadikan pertanda pria tengah serius menjalani hubungan dengan Anda.

Apalagi bila hubungan Anda dan pasangan sudah sangat dekat, namun si dia belum menyatakan niatnya perihal hubungan kalian berdua. Nah, jika Anda ingin lebih jeli dalam membaca sikap si dia selama ini, referensi dari Askmen berikut bisa membantu.

Bukan hanya di bibir saja

Bila si dia seringkali mengirimkan sinyal berupa perhatian serta pujian yang sulit Anda mengerti. Anda harus tahu, bahwa pria baik akan berusaha untuk mengatakan perasaan yang sesungguhnya. Maksud serta tujuan dia mendekati Anda. Bukan hanya sekadar mengobral keintiman lewat pujian mesra dan kontak fisik yang hanya membuat Anda semakin bingung. Segala rayuan gombal bahwa Anda sangat berarti di kehidupan dia, namun tidak dibuktikan dengan perilaku nyata. Hanya sebatas di bibir saja.

Sebab, bila suatu hari dia mengutarakan niatnya untuk menikahi Anda, namun nyatanya hanya di bibir saja. Anda sendirilah yang harus mengurus segala kebutuhan pernikahan sendiri. Itu akan mempersulit keadaan saja. Sebaiknya Anda waspada dengan tipikal pria seperti ini.

Sulit terbuka dengan Anda

Jika dirundung masalah, ia sulit terbuka dengan Anda. Malahan lebih tertarik mencari bantuan dari teman-temannya, keluarga, ataupun psikolog. Hal ini bisa berpengaruh pada hubungan Anda berdua.

Pasalnya, keberadaan Anda menjadi seperti tidak terlihat oleh dirinya. Bila ia ingin serius dalam menjalin hubungan dengan Anda ke arah pernikahan, maka sepatutnya dia mencoba lebih terbuka dan berbagi dengan Anda. Apapun kondisinya, di kala sedih maupun bahagia.

Menghilang tanpa kabar

Sekalipun sibuk, bila memang benar menghargai keberadaan Anda, dia akan berusaha mendengarkan keluh kesah dan memberikan semangat ketika Anda sedang tersandung masalah. Bukan malah menghilang tanpa ada sedikitpun kabar.

Dia tidak akan membiarkan Anda penasaran dengan keberadaannya. Apa yang sedang dia lakukan, dan sedang ada di mana. Anda tidak akan dibiarkan merasa kehilangan kabar dalam jangka waktu yang lama.

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Ciptakan Foreplay yang Menggairahkan

Friday, September 25, 2009

Cumbuan bergairah memang selalu menghendaki Anda untuk bersikap liar dan spontan, selain menyenangkan, keliaran dan spontanitas seks sulit diterka, kerap menambah bumbu percumbuan.

Tetapi, resiko dari percumbuan macam ini, membuat lebih cepat mencapai ejakulasi. Ini merupakan kecenderungan umum banyak pasangan langsung tancap gas ke daerah erotis yang dituju tanpa mencumbu bibirnya terlebih dahulu.

Tindakan ini membuat aktifitas menjadi terburu-buru, seolah membayar perjam, dan tidak mau rugi kehilangan uang dengan mengesampingkan hal-hal yang dianggap kurang penting seperti foreplay.

Beberapa langkah foreplay sederhana yang dapat dilakukan oleh pasangan Anda terkadang luput dari perhatian. Misalnya,

Rangsangan Janggut

Jika pasangan Anda lupa mencukur janggut di dagu. Manfaatkan dengan memintanya untuk menggosok berulangkali ke paha dan wajah Anda. Jika dia enggan melakukannya, lakukanlah sendiri dengan menuntun kepalanya menuju paha dari pipi dan terus menurun hingga ke dada, perut, dan terus kebawah lagi.

Meremas Payudara

Terkadang pria kerap menganggap remeh remasan di payudara. Sehingga kadang kerap menimbulkan rasa sakit pada pasangan karena meremas terlalu keras. Jangan ragu untuk mengajarkannya bagaimana meremas sesuai dengan tingkat kenikmatan Anda. Termasuk juga bagaimana memainkan puting dengan lidahnya secara benar.

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6 Cara Seksi Tingkatkan Orgasme Pria

MENINGKATKAN orgasme kaum adam ternyata ada berbagai unik yang bisa diandalkan. Konon, cara seksi ini dipercaya dapat membawa pria menuju pada kenikmatan yang sesungguhnya. Melalui enamcara seksi, orgasme pria akan kian meningkat serta membuat ajang bercinta semakin memanas.

Menurut Riri dan Yoez dalam bukunya yang berjudul '69 Tip dan Trik Menggapai Kenikmatan Seks' ini dia 6 cara seksi yang bermanfaat meningkatkan orgasme pria, di antaranya:

Perhatikan sensasi fisik

Dengarkan suara-suara di sekitar Anda seperti musik atau rintihan pesangan (atau bahkan suara Anda sendiri). Rasakan sensasi menyatunya tubuh Anda bersama pasangan dan gunakan tangan untuk mengekplorasi area lain pasangan Anda. Berikan ciuman dan rasakan tubuhnya. Tatap dan gunakan cermin untuk melihat Anda berdua selagi saling berpelukan.


Kadang-kadang membayangkan Anda tengah bersama pasangan dalam situasi bahaya atau memainkan peran ketika Anda baru saja bertemu dan bahkan tidak kenal namanya dapat meningkatkan sensasi seks dan berujung pada orgasme yang kuat.

Minta pasangan menstimulus bagian lain tubuh Anda

Anus ternyata merupakan bagian tubuh pria yang paling mudah terangsang atau disebut G-spotnya pria. Selagi Anda berhubungan intim, mintalah pasangan Anda meraba bagian luar anus atau bahkan menggunakan jari-jarinya memijat prostase Anda.

Jika Anda tidak berani memintanya melakukan sentuhan anal, mintalah pasangan untuk meraba-raba Mr P dan memijatnya. Ini sangat membantu Anda mencapai orgasme dengan lebih mudah dan menyenangkan.

Menyela hubungan intim

Selagi Anda berhubungan intim, hentikan bercinta sesaat dan alihkan melakukan aktivitas lain beberapa saat. Dan teruslah melakukan penetrasi kembali serta lakukan sampai Anda siap orgasme. Menyela hubungan intim tidak hanya meningkatkan orgasme Anda, tapi juga meningkatkan orgasme pasangan.

Erat dan lepaskan otot-otot Anda

Baik itu pinggul atau paha, mengeratkan otot-otot beberapa saat dan kemudian membiarkannya santai dapat membuat orgasme tak terlupakan. Rasakan kebebasan melakukan latihan kegel atau mengeratkan paha saat Anda tengah bercinta.

Fokus pada orgasme

Banyak pria cenderung berlebihan ketika berbicara mengenai orgasme atau ejakulasi. Perlahan-lahan ketika merasakan akan keluar. Penetrasi pasangan Anda lebih lambat dan fokuslah pada sensasi ketika ejakulasi mulai mendekati dasar penis dan biarkan keluar di tubuh Anda.


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Most 10 powerful kiss Variation

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

LOVE taste bland without a kiss full of sensation. No wonder if a kiss is always a dish of the most awaited opening before the event begins to make love. Deal with a kiss that boring, there are many variations terdahsyat can kiss your partner have embarked for the more in awe of your wild action at the beginning of love.

According to Riri and Yoez in his book? 69 Tips and Tricks Sex Enjoyment Reaching the 'here's the secret of 10 variations terdahsyat can kiss your shared legal spouse:

Butterfly Kiss

At this stage, you can start by kissing some areas of the body paired with a blink your eyelashes, so the couple was amused. This could be your kiss on the cheek daratkan, the end of the lips, forehead or stomach.

Eskimo Kiss

Special kiss each other by rubbing your nose with a partner. To be more fun and enjoy the sensation of cold air like the Eskimos, do this sensual kiss in front of the open refrigerator. Of course, the couple will not forget you're a wild sensation.

Freeze Kiss

This time can kiss your lips attached to execute after the ice, cold but fun, there are other ways no less called, ie you and your partner affectionately kissing, toying with the ice tongue in the mouth. If wanted make awed, point your tongue acumen.

Foot Kiss

A kiss full of romantic gestures. Maybe your partner will feel a little funny so make couples feel more relaxed and enjoy every kiss you give. How massage, foot massage while first caressed her fingers and began kissing action starts from the bottom and continue moving upward.

The Buzzing Kiss

Another alternative in the initial round of lovemaking, you can smell it right in the back of his ear and then gently growling voice and the hum of tenderness toward the neck. Bite-bite his neck slowly until you find your partner's lips.

Kiss Lick

Lick kiss you enjoy, that is, before the kiss took place, play your tongue on the lips partner. If the atmosphere grew heated, and insert your tongue into her mouth. Make sensual kiss that did not disconnect the pair of your lips.

Vacuum Kiss

This cal kiss can you do with blowing up the couple to expand the cheek. Then there kempiskan that wind back and forth from your mouth to mouth mate. But be careful in the wind!

Sip Kiss

Before kissing couples, a little sip of your favorite beverage. Then pour in the mouth, then mashed his lips slowly and let him enjoy the summer every kiss you.

Nip Kiss

A kiss is erotic and full of sensation. It's time to kiss, lips gigitlah occasionally did right and patient and not to make hurt him scream.

Tongue Sucking

Is a variation of the French Kiss, when you and your partner to play each other the tongue, occasionally hisaplah tongue. Surely the couple will feel more sexy.

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Overcome Menopause with Nutrafor Balance

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

MENOPAUSE (klimakterium) is a transitional period in women's lives. Where are the ovaries (ovaries) stop producing eggs, menstrual activity decreases and eventually stops, the formation of female hormones (estrogen and progesterone) decreases.

Actual menopause occurs at the end of the last menstrual cycle. But newly acquired certainty if a woman has not experienced the cycle for a minimum of 12 months. The average menopause occurs at age 50 years, but it can occur normally in women aged 40 years.

Occurrence of menopause is triggered by hormonal changes is a substance in the body. Hormones are chemical substances produced by certain glands in the body and its effect affect organs other.

As we all know there are three kinds of important hormones produced by the ovaries, namely estrogen, progesterone, and testoterson, where after reaching menopause hormones are not produced (Sadli, 1987).

The task of estrogen actually mature egg is expelled before. Therefore, as long as there is estrogen, the egg will still be produced. Then after a woman aged about 45 years, when the egg supply runs out, ovaries stop producing estrogen begin menstruating as a result did not reappear (Sadli, 1987).

Reduced levels of estrogen in menopause does not cause the formation of the epithelial layer in the cavity of the uterus. But the androgenic hormone produced by the adrenal glands and converted into estrogen this sometimes causes bleeding after menopause could be an indication of a disease (including cancer), then the doctors always check any bleeding that occurs after menopause.


Symptoms that may be found on the menopause: hot flashes, is due to increased blood flow in blood vessels face, neck, chest and back.

Hot flashes lasted for 30 seconds to 5 minutes. The vagina becomes dry due to the wall thinning of the vaginal tissue so when intercourse can result in pain.

Psychological and emotional symptoms (fatigue, irritability, difficulty sleeping and anxiety) could be caused by reduced levels of estrogen.

Sweating at night causing sleep disturbance that fatigue got worse and more easily offended. Dizziness, tingling and palpitations (heart pounding). The loss of bladder control (beser). Inflammation of the bladder or vagina and osteoporosis (bone loss).

At the time of menopause, the hormone estrogen decline sharply and opportunities of heart disease increases. Mechanism of estrogen in protecting the heart is due to the resulting protective effect.

In publication Heart Fitness for Life, Mary P McGowan MD writes that estrogen would increase HDL cholesterol (good) cholesterol and lower LDL (bad). This LDL cholesterol leads to plaque in the blood but with the presence of high HDL that acts as a sweeper so that plaques will be cleaned from sticking.

In cases of heart disease in Indonesia, more people were suffering from heart disease because of low HDL cholesterol and LDL-not because of its high. Therefore efforts should be increased HDL properly so as to suppress the risk of coronary heart disease. Without becoming smokers and women's risk for heart disease is when to stop menstruating.


There are two types of treatment that is providing pre-menopausal estrogen hormone in two ways, namely chemically (HRT-hormone replacement therapy) and natural (Phytoestrogens). The second difference is the way the side effects are generated, chemically causing physical symptoms, whereas naturally almost certainly not cause side effects.

Not all postmenopausal women should undergo hormone replacement therapy (HRT). Each woman should discuss the risks and benefits of HRT with his personal physician. Some side effects of HRT; vaginal bleeding, breast pain, nausea, vomiting, abdominal bloating, cramps of the uterus. Provision of phytoestrogens (estrogen from herbal materials), can help overcome menopausal symptoms that will arise, without causing side effects.

One of the most powerful phyto-oestrogens is Red Clover (Trifolium plants protense Extract), where the level of power isoflavonnya 20-fold from Soya (soy). Also Red Clover is also capable of Lower frequency of hot flushes and complaints to 48.5 percent and night sweats in menopausal women day after 16 weeks.

Increasing HDL cholesterol levels up to 15.7 to 28.6 percent after 6 months, increase in Bone Mineral Densty proximal radius and ulna up to 4.1 percent after 6 months. Black cohosh is also known as phytoestrogens because they have the ability to improve climacteric complaints; hot flushes, vaginal dryness, emotional disorders and depression due to menopause.

Based on research done by a woman Health initiative (WHI), giving Sulion hormone therapy (HRT) or combined hormone replacement therapy is not recommended because it exceeds the 5-year risk of breast cancer. Now there is an alternative that is safe and natural with phytoestrogens, a natural estrogen compounds derived from plants.

Nutrafor Balance

Is a combination of supplements that contain phytoestrogens insoplavon extract of red clover and red clover extracts and black cohosh for menopausal symptoms mengatsi, plus calcium and vitamin D3.

Red Clover (Extra plants Trofolium Protense), useful mengatsi menopausal complaints such as hot flushes, inhibits activation of cells of bone-destroying cells, stabilize blood cholesterol levels and inhibits the growth of cancer cells.

Black cohosh (Cimicifuga racemosa plant extracts), beneficial to overcome symptoms of menopause such as hot fluhes, depression, emotional changes, and vaginal dryness.

Calium and Vitamin D3. useful to maintain bone mass so as to reduce the risk of osteoporosis.

With the quality of life Balance Nutrafor woman waking up at ages prior to and during menopause. Just be sure!!

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Vaginal Lubricants can Damage Sperm

Monday, September 14, 2009

Accustomed to use vaginal lubricants during ML? Be careful, because some studies reveal the use of vaginal lubricants damage uncontrolled sperm quality.

Currently one-third to half of couples who are sexually active often use a vaginal lubricant during ML. This usage highlighted several researchers in Ohio, because the results revealed the use of these lubricants can damage sperm quality.

Dr. Ashok Agarwal of the Cleveland Clinic, Ohio, and colleagues tested the vaginal lubricant products are sold freely, the ability of sperm to move, and the influence of three lubricants on sperm chromatin quality.

The study involved tests on semen samples taken from 12 men, the results turned out to vaginal lubricants (Replens, Astroglide, and FemGlide) resulted in a significant decrease in the ability of sperm to move 30-minute intervals after exposure to exposure.

According to the research Fertility and Strerility, other lubricants (Pre-Seed) did not cause a significant reduction in the ability of sperm to move, when compared with normal sperm samples.

Sperm chromatin damage also increased significantly after exposure to other lubricant products FemGlide (KY Jelly) and there was little damage, although not statistically significant after exposure to the Pre-Seed.

In the study showed a waterproof grease that does not contain ingredients such as FemGlide sperm destroyer, Astroglide, and Replens has a bad effect on the ability of sperm to move. And the quality of chromatin.

Moisturizers Pre-Seed intimacy have minimal adverse impact on the ability to move or quality of sperm chromatin may be caused by the ph level and the formula is more physiological isotonisnya, when compared with other products.

"Our findings concluded that the Pree-Seed may be a promising treatment for vaginal dryness experienced by infertile couples who are trying to get pregnant. Nevertheless, the experiment in vivo large scale is still needed to support these findings."

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Healthy Heart with Good Sex !!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

MORE age, the greater the risk of men contracting various diseases. That said, his heart's performance by as much as 25 percent as we get older.

However, this does not apply to women. Cardiac performance women better, because the heart's ability to pump blood around the body remains good despite their age increases. In contrast, approaching the age of 70 years, his heart's ability decreased dramatically.

Sex, one way to make optimum cardiac performance. Intercourse not only meet the biological needs, but even this event through blood pressure can be controlled very well. Cardiac performance was not so heavily burdened.

Based on a study that was launched Biological Psychology from The Sun, diligent sex can lower blood pressure. Where is the blood pressure levels obtained when the heart is resting conditions after sex activity.

When intercourse, hormone testosterone, which acts as the nature of "masculine" men were also having a negative nature. These hormones can raise the hormone bad (LDL) that men are vulnerable to heart attacks and strokes.

While the hormone estrogen, which many owned by women can actually increase the hormone good (HDL). No wonder more often women have a heart attack or stroke than men.

Male stroke or thinking about high blood pressure usually mengalai erectile dysfunction disorder. Penetration of Mr. P was not hard and optimal. Partner satisfaction can be scarce goods every time having sex.

Well, if you want to avoid heart attacks and strokes. You should apply a healthy lifestyle. In addition, of course, diligent sex with a partner!

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Making Love in the Car, More Confortable !!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Are you bored making love in bed or your room? Try to move and do in the car. In addition there are many exciting challenges.

Who says ML in the car easily? If fun is pretty much yes, but to do so not as easy as imagined.

Therefore, each partner will do to get around some obstacles such as the steering wheel, dashboard, gear stick, and others. One-one can position a stick punctured or bumped into gear when the steering wheel alone with a partner.

Askmen.com site launch a few things and forces that must be done to ML in the car can run smoothly.

1. Determine position


In this place, you and your partner can exchange positions. You can be on top or vice versa. But remember, should one do with a seat. Majukanlah chair in front of you that might narrow the space and disrupt the movement of

Front bench

Push the front to the back seat until the maximum position. Then your spouse can be on top, facing you or facing the front windshield. Your spouse can do while holding on to the car dashboard.

Outside car

Apart from in the car, you can also ML with a couple outside the car. One of them is on the hood of the car. You can start with a couple feet back on your shoulder and body against the side of the vehicle.

When driving

In this position, your partner should be more active. He can 'use' your body parts everywhere. But it must be remembered, concentration and excellent driving should not be complacent. If not, an accident could happen. Usually this is very dangerous position. Therefore not recommended.

2. Security Watch

Security is very important when your spouse in the ML with the car. When your attention is distracted, you may not notice anything else. The key, choose a safe location. Consider the vehicle, brakes, a position with another vehicle, and environment.

3. Community Rules

This is no less important. Many places prohibit something that smells of immodesty. Or maybe just the law in an area considered sex in the car as a form of violation of the law. That means you can be arrested or fined for it. Check the applicable rules and do not act arbitrarily. Each community group has its own rules.

In addition to the above factors, there are some important things that must be considered as ML in the car. Like:

1. Make sure tissue or toilet paper available. Maybe the pillow is also necessary for added comfort. Do not forget, also provide water. Water can make you more refreshed. Stay away from candles, because it could cause a fire.

2. Ensure cleanliness in your vehicle. Clean the fleas that may be attached to the vehicle seat. Use a vacuum cleaner, so the things that can make you itch can be avoided.

3. Select the appropriate location. This means avoid the danger, be it children or people around that may interfere with the 'activity' you. Select also the area that you like with your partner. If you like quiet, you can choose beach or park area.

4. Remember, ML in the car is not necessarily 'great'. Plan carefully. You can choose a number of locations, but it is noteworthy neighborhood.

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Diligent Sex involve Sexy!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Sexually active were able to make a woman twice felt more sexy. On average the happiest women are those who most regularly have sex and healthy.

On the other hand proved to be sexually active could be happier than financially prosperous. That glimpse of the results of research by David Blachflower, economic experts from Dartmouth College and Andrew Oswald of Warwick University in England

Blachflower and colleagues investigated the relationship between happiness and sexual activity at about 16,000 people that they made the sample.

They found that sex was a strong influence and positive effect on happiness itself. Even sex practically identical with happiness. But that does not mean living in poverty and are sexually active can make life more happy and meaningful.

As reported by the Journal of Money, Sex and Happiness: An Empirical Study published by the National Bureau of Economic Research, there is a change in the pattern of sex once per month to twice a week is equivalent to feeling happier after getting additional income of U.S. $ 50,000, for the average average worker in America.

"These results also prove that the money still determines a person's happiness, though not as much as economists think. We must also look at the psychological and realize there are other things more important than just the financial side," Blanchflower said.

Meanwhile, other studies mention of sexual activity in men, women, gay atupun proved to increase testosterone levels, although the effects of testosterone increase more common in women. Increase in testosterone in women increasingly easier for them to have an orgasm, improve self-confidence, and makes them look more sexy

The first study of two research studies conducted by the Department of Psychology, Simon Fraser University, Canada's, reveals women and men can change their hormone levels based on how often they hugged, cuddled or intercourse, which automatically will increase testosterone levels.

Rise and fall of testosterone levels did affect health, although the increase was still detected in normal limits.

"The first study found a positive effect on the increase in testosterone levels," explained study leader Sari van Anders.

Published research for Hormones and Behavior journal, examined the level of testosterone in 49 women before and after cuddling, intercourse and physical exercise.

After sexual activity, respondents were asked to fill questionnaires including the experience of orgasm, levels of sexual desire, and the feelings they felt after intercourse.

In this case too beperan exercise, since physical exercise also helped change the condition of one's biochemistry.

The study noted the respondents testosterone levels before and after hugging and sexual intercourse are significantly different.

Increasing testosterone levels rise after intercourse. The higher the level of testosterone, the female orgasm, the better, and feeling increasingly sexy on the next day.

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