Vaginal Lubricants can Damage Sperm

Monday, September 14, 2009

Accustomed to use vaginal lubricants during ML? Be careful, because some studies reveal the use of vaginal lubricants damage uncontrolled sperm quality.

Currently one-third to half of couples who are sexually active often use a vaginal lubricant during ML. This usage highlighted several researchers in Ohio, because the results revealed the use of these lubricants can damage sperm quality.

Dr. Ashok Agarwal of the Cleveland Clinic, Ohio, and colleagues tested the vaginal lubricant products are sold freely, the ability of sperm to move, and the influence of three lubricants on sperm chromatin quality.

The study involved tests on semen samples taken from 12 men, the results turned out to vaginal lubricants (Replens, Astroglide, and FemGlide) resulted in a significant decrease in the ability of sperm to move 30-minute intervals after exposure to exposure.

According to the research Fertility and Strerility, other lubricants (Pre-Seed) did not cause a significant reduction in the ability of sperm to move, when compared with normal sperm samples.

Sperm chromatin damage also increased significantly after exposure to other lubricant products FemGlide (KY Jelly) and there was little damage, although not statistically significant after exposure to the Pre-Seed.

In the study showed a waterproof grease that does not contain ingredients such as FemGlide sperm destroyer, Astroglide, and Replens has a bad effect on the ability of sperm to move. And the quality of chromatin.

Moisturizers Pre-Seed intimacy have minimal adverse impact on the ability to move or quality of sperm chromatin may be caused by the ph level and the formula is more physiological isotonisnya, when compared with other products.

"Our findings concluded that the Pree-Seed may be a promising treatment for vaginal dryness experienced by infertile couples who are trying to get pregnant. Nevertheless, the experiment in vivo large scale is still needed to support these findings."